Thursday, 25 September 2014

The 5 W's:

The 5 W's is used in almost every article in a newspaper. It is used by journalists as a formula for getting the "full story." They are usually at the beginning of an article. 

This is done for two reasons:

1: To grab the reader's attention so they continue reading on.

2: If the article needs to be cut down the 5 W's won't be cut out of the article because the vital information (5 W's) will be at the top of the article.

In the following post I'm going to use 5 random examples from different news stories from the BBC.

WHO is it about?

WHAT happened?

WHERE did it happen?

WHEN did it take place?


WHY did it happen?

This is an example of a newspaper article including all the 5 W's:

Click here to see the full article:

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